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A Midlands Food Treat with Alex Poltera
Chris and I have one BIG thing in common – Our awesome good looks ;)...
Chris and I have one BIG thing in common – Our awesome good looks ;)...
Due to the addition of one gorgeous Puppy #Vleis, a Road Trip to Clarens was in order :). I’ve always wanted to visit – so bags packed, research done & off we went for the weekend.
I lOVE cooking...
I got sick last week...
The very last piece of our wedding has arrived, our gorgeous photos!
After a month of food, wine, wedding and honeymoon, my now, somewhat rounder self – has decided its time to get back on track.
Anyone who knows me will know two things
– I am a high energy person…
When it comes to presents I’m more about experiences then things, but there is one shop that I’d fall over backwards for virtually anything in it!