Everyday Life

After a bit of a break from the blog (December called for holiday time with the little one and some working on my Suntan), I [intend] to be back with vengeance. WARNING, my pregnant brain is working overtime on thoughts about life, love and everything maternal...
2016 has been a blur of starting grade one, new adventures, challenges and beginnings and to be honest at this time of the year I get so caught up in life and everything going on..
I took some time to think about the year ahead - 2016 is so full with things already going on & given how much I love my life and where I am at now, im quite happy to just carry on - but there is always room for improvement and growth. 
I have recently realized how quickly things become "normal" to us. When going/moving somewhere new there is so much amazement and wonder in surroundings, scenery, people, places and this all seems to become "normal" so quickly. I wake up to the most incredible place, view, family, space, farm, life... everyday but still seem to find myself having to remind myself to be grateful [seems depressing]. At the same time I also find that after going away or doing something new and exciting, I find so much comfort and joy in coming back home to what is "normal". 
So given this new [depressing or maybe not] insight I have realized one of two things.
Firstly that I need to take time to find the excitement and wonder in these "normal everyday things". I'm not saying I have a plan to revolutionize making lunchboxes in the funnest possible way - but that there is so much to be REALLY grateful for and I'd like to see that and feel that more naturally.
Secondly, I need to remember, that life is about new experiences, new adventures, getting out there and having fun - things like money, work & admin often get in the way of this and a little spontaneity would do me good once in a while!
It sounds like the easiest thing but for a day or 3 try to just say YES! If you can and it wont kill anyone or cause the world to end, say YES, you'll realize how often we say no :(.
Given this new outlook (and that packing my bag for a holiday in Thailand wasn't an option), a little local (guilt free) fun was in order :)! Last week started off with a girls day to the spa, this isn't really something I've ever done before but a morning of nail polish and cupcakes to celebrate a special friends birthday was fun :) and then to end the week off, a visit to my favorite for a massage. 
Aches and pains aside, sleep has become something of a novelty lately and I battle to take the time during the day to relax and allow myself to catch up #hyperactivetendancies. A repair massage offers a combination of massage, sound healing, reiki and reflexology... if that's all gobeldy goop, read RELAXATION AND BLISS! This was my first visit in 2016 and it was well needed, a guilt free massage for a little treat and a time and space to help me think about and reflect on my new thoughts - my body is relaxced and ready to enjoy life EVERYDAY - special or not there is wonder to found and I intend to. 
If we need to do "normal life" 90% of the time, then the normal needs to be exciting, fun, full of love, happiness, laughter and zest -  so here's to trying :)! 
On a side note, I may think about starting a weekly lunchbox inspiration post #2016 #change #sayyes #livelifeeveryday 



